April 12th, 2005


There should be no monotony

In studying your botany;

It helps to train

And spur the brain—

Unless you haven’t got any.

It teaches you, does Botany,

To know the plants and spot any,

And learn just why

They live or die—

In case you plant or pot any.

You learn, from reading Botany,

Of wooly plants and cottony

That grow on earth,

And what they’re worth,

And why some spots have not any.

You sketch the plants in Botany,

You learn to chart and plot any

Like corn or oats—

You jot down notes,

If you know how to jot any.

Your time, if you’ll allot any,

Will teach you how and what any

Old plant or tree

Can do or be—

And that’s the use of Botany!

“Botany”, by Berton Brayley

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