Disney Socialism

I just finished watching the 1998 Disney movie "A Bug Life" and despite my hopes to the contrary, I was reminded how pervasive socialist ideology has become in absolutely everything Disney produces. I have come to expect collectivist overtones from Disney's regular programming, but the extent to which its animated films are full of socialist indoctrination is simply disgusting. Unlike most liberal media companies, Disney produces more than the usual "multicultural" garbage but actually inserts Marxist ideology into the plot of its animated children’s movies.

"A Bugs Life" has all the elements of the topical Disney presentation of the class struggle: the proletariat, represented by the worker ants, the bourgeoisie, represented by the grasshoppers, the greedy slave-driving boss, represented by the "boss flea" in charge of the flee circus. Famous lines include [as I remember them]: "if the ants only realized that they outnumber us a hundred to one, we would be finished!" and "you've committed the ultimate sin: you put yourself before the colony!" If that were not enough, the flea-boss frequently explains "let's go, there's money to be made!" as he denies his worker's request for a raise and proposes a routine where one the bugs is burnt to a crisp. Meanwhile, the movie makes it a point to show the ant-queen diligently joining the worker ants in their work, as she and Flik, the hero repeatedly explain "I care for the colony!" I'd like to say that Flik is at least a creative non-conformist, but the movie makes a point to show that none of his ideas are self-inspired, and all of them come to fruition only by collective effort.

Not surprisingly, the movie ends with the defeat of the overclass, as the revolutionary hero Flik inspires the ants to rise up and ensure that the ants get to keep all the "surplus" grain they collect by their collective effort. Compare this plot to "Antz," a Dreamworks SKG release, which featured an ant who questioned his role in the ant collective and championed individualism and private ingenuity.

This review may be four years late, but Disney has clearly continued its tradition of promoting Marxist ideology in movies such as "Monster's Inc." where the villain is a factory owner who is found torturing little children (Can those capitalist pigs get any worse??) and is replaced by one of the factory workers by a …government agency. In general, everything Disney touches display several common elements: the subjugation of the individual to the collective, the rejection of all selfish motivations as immoral, the worship of authority figures, the proposition that all cultures and values (other than capitalism) are equivalent, and of course, the duality between the greedy capitalist slave-drivers, and the hardworking workers of the collective, who almost always rise up and show the evil capitalists who's boss.

I'd point out some other examples of Disney socialism, but I do my very best not to support Disney in any way, and if you care about self-interest, and freedom, I strongly suggest you do the same.

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